Effective Home Remedies for Myopia

Myopia, also popular as short-sightedness, affects lots of individuals worldwide. It is an eye condition where you are unable to observe distant objects clearly and things at distance tend to appear quite blurred to your eyes. Refractive error in your eye causes myopia. Your eye’s focus on items located at distant tends to fall on the surface of your retina, but when you tend to suffer from short-sightedness the focus falls in front of your retina. Myopia can make your eyes feel tired and you may also suffer from a headache due to the condition. If left untreated, this eye condition can cause retinal degeneration and loss of vision. However, with help of certain home remedies you can enhance your vision substantially.
One of the easy yet effective remedy to treat myopia at home is having the powder of almond, anise seed, sugar, and coconut. All you need to do is mix all these ingredients, make fine powder and consume it twice every day. The powder helps in mitigating myopia condition to a great extent.
The home remedies for myopia include eye exercises, a vitamin and mineral-rich diet, eating almonds, Triphala, licorice, Ayurvedic medicines, as well as resting after long hours of reading and work. Some lifestyle changes to make while suffering from myopia are performing close range work, sitting in front of the TV and electronic devices for long periods of time, and working or reading in poorly lit areas.
Myopia, also termed as nearsightedness, occurs when the eye lengthens from front to back. This leads to the images that should form on the light-sensitive retina present in the back of the eye, forming in front of the retina. Those with myopia have good near vision for reading or computer use but can’t see well over long distances like road signs
Myopia can be temporarily corrected with prescribed minus (concave) glasses. However, in the long run, it has been noted to progress due to this. As it progresses, myopia has to be countered with much more powerful prescription glasses or lenses. Let’s look at some of the best home remedies that naturally correct nearsightedness and can prevent further degeneration of the eye.
Here are some home remedies for myopia that can help improve vision:
Powder Of Coconut Almond Anise Seed And Sugar
One of the easy yet effective remedy to treat myopia at home is having the powder of almond, anise seed, sugar, and coconut. All you need to do is mix all these ingredients, make fine powder and consume it twice every day. The powder helps in mitigating myopia condition to a great extent.
Grape Seed Extract
Having grape seed extract can help treat mild myopia effectively. This remedy helps enhance your vision and prevent the risk of eye disorder substantially. Get fresh, good quality of grape seed extract and use it to treat your eye condition effectually.
Eye Exercises
According to research, eye exercises do have an effect on myopic conditions, which is why ophthalmologists always recommend eye exercises along with medication and prescription glasses. Yoga is yet another source of eye exercises.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises can also be performed as home remedies for myopia. Close your eyes and inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth in a steady and continuous manner for more than three minutes. Do not strain by trying to breathe in more air than usual.
Taking Breaks
Continuous reading, watching TV, and working on a computer for long hours requires our eyes to focus at short distances and thus myopia can set in. In order to reduce the severity or appearance of myopia, one must take regular breaks from continuous reading, watching TV or working on the computer.
Working in Adequately Lit Spaces
Working in low light conditions puts extra stress on our eyes, which strains the muscles inside and reshapes them, resulting in myopia.
Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E have been associated with good eyesight. These vitamins are found in foods like carrots, tomatoes, apples, peppers, fish, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits and nuts, and are very beneficial for vision.
Triphala (Ayurvedic Approach)
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicinal system, prescribes Triphala or a mix of three fruit extracts for myopia. The three fruits include Beleric myrobalan, Indian gooseberry, and Chebulic myrobalan. Triphala is available in Ayurvedic medicine shops or the mix can be easily prepared at home using fresh fruits or their extracts.
Kusuma Varthi Anjana (Ayurvedic Approach)
Kusuma Varthi Anajana is an Ayurvedic medicinal preparation used for the treatment of simple myopia. It is prepared using sesame flowers, long pepper, common jasmine, and black pepper. Make this mixture by mashing the ingredients together. Add a little water to make a paste. Dry it in shade and powder it. This powdered mixture can be taken twice daily to minimize the risk of myopia.
Almond, Coconut, Anise Seed & Candy Sugar
The powdered mix of these ingredients is one of the simplest home remedies for myopia. Consume this powder twice daily to improve nearsightedness.