Chiropractic is a pseudoscientific complementary and alternative medicine that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Chiropractors, especially those in the field’s early history, have proposed that such disorders affect general health via the nervous system. The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, especially manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues, but may also include exercises and health and lifestyle counseling. Chiropractors are not physicians or medical doctors. Systematic reviews of controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have not found evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain. A critical evaluation found that collectively, spinal manipulation was ineffective at treating any condition

Dr. Laura Benhaïm
Dr. Laura Benhaïm is specializes in treating back pain and herniated disc problems. Dr. Laura Benhaïm focuses on Cox flexion-distraction techniques. He delivers precise diagnosis and consultation about the symptoms that affect the sciatic nerve. I’ve been practicing since September 2014 and am currently offering care in two Montreal clinics: Westmount Chiropractic clinic and Chiropractique Vieux-Montreal in the Old-Port.
I am also an administrator for Chiropractors Without Borders, a not-for-profit organisation that provides free chiropractic care in developing countries. I had the privilege to participate in two missions to Bolivia. drlaurabenhaim.com

Dr. David Torrance
Dr. Torrance has always been drawn to the biological sciences and fitness, especially anatomy and physiology. He graduated with distinction from the Biology Department of the University of Western Ontario. He graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 2006 and was active as a class rep for Student’s Council and for the fourth year Clinic Committee. After completing his Chiropractic diploma, Dr. Torrance was selected to participate in the post-graduate program in the Chiropractic Clinical Department of Graduate Education and Research at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. The program provided advanced knowledge in musculoskeletal medicine, clinical education and research with the opportunity to work alongside various health providers such as medical doctors, pain specialists, and orthopedic surgeons in multidisciplinary settings. He became a member of the Fellowship of Chiropractic Clinical Sciences in 2011. David has also been a personal trainer since 2005 and has developed an expertise in athletic functional movement screens to assess the balance, strength and coordination of the musculoskeletal system during athletic movements. Dr. Torrance has always been drawn to the biological sciences and fitness, especially anatomy and physiology. He graduated with distinction from the Biology Department of the University of Western Ontario. … He became a member of the Fellowship of Chiropractic Clinical Sciences in 2011. balancedbodyahc.com

Dr. Suzanne Bober
I became inspired to learn how I too could help to restore the lives of others through addressing what was standing in their way. It was then that I began my journey at the University of Guelph, attaining a Bachelor’s degree in Human Kinetics and biomedical science. I then earned my Doctorate in Chiropractic at National College of Chiropractic in Chicago in 2000. I later completed my Fellowship in Physical and Occupational Rehabilitation at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. My experience also includes working as a chiropractor at Chelmsford Chiropractic Clinic in the United Kingdom for more than three years and teaching at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.” harbourfrontchiropractic.com

Dr Albert Huang
Dr. Albert Huang is a licensed Chiropractic doctor who graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College [CMCC]. He completed his undergraduate studies at York University where he attained a Specialized Honors Degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences. He is a graduate from the McMaster University Contemporary Medical Acupuncture program and is a certified Medical Acupuncture provider. Dr. Huang is a diversified chiropractor specializing in musculoskeletal health, exercise rehabilitation, and wellness care. He is a manual therapist with a holistic mindset that believes the body was designed to heal itself. His treatments and techniques include but are not limited to; spinal manipulation, muscle release techniques, joint mobilizations, acupuncture, Thompson Technique, Functional Release (FR), custom orthotics, cranio-sacral techniques, visceral manipulation, Activator Methods, kinesio-taping, and exercise prescription.
He is a member of the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) and Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA). He is committed to providing safe and integrative care to his patients to optimize their health and well-being. Albert values the importance of functional movement and aims to improve motor patterning and performance through his therapies. platinumhealth.ca

Dr. Laura Benhaïm
Graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, 1985
Family practitioner for over 30 years
Chiropractor of elite professional athletes and Olympians
Chiropractor for the Montreal Expos of Major League Baseball, 1997-2004
Member of the Disciplinary Committee for the Quebec Order of Chiropractors 1988-2007
Examiner, Practical Skills Assessment, Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board, 1999-2002
Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board, 2002-2011; President from 2003-2008
Director, Board of Directors of the Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association, 2007 – present. Vice-President, 2014-present.
National Spokesperson, Canadian Chiropractic Association since 2008, quoted in publications such as Canadian Living, Homemakers, Canadian Health and Lifestyle, Glow, Toronto Sun and Good Times
Guest Speaker 1994-2007:
Quest Alliance
Chiropractic Leadership Alliance
Chiropractic Speakers Event
Knights of Columbus