Reiki is a Japanese technique which involves the ‘laying of hands’ on different areas of the body including the head, shoulders, stomach and feet. It’s based on the idea that we have a ‘life force energy’ that flows within our bodies. When this energy is low, it makes us more likely to become unwell. A Reiki treatment aims to restore life force energy to help you to heal and stay well. Some people find it makes them feel more relaxed and less stressed.
Keri Mayal
North Vancouver, BC
Keri is a Reiki Master Practitioner, Career & Lifestyle Coach and founder of Avid Earthling Wellbeing. Keri has a unique passion for empathy & efficiency. She has been a people, project and productivity focused leader in the technology industry over the last 15+ years, while learning to recover from challenging life transitions.
Keri believes she was called to find alternative ways to re-balance, recover and heal from burn-out & stress-related health issues through deepened self-care, relaxation & energy healing practices while maintaining her fast-paced career & life responsibilities. Keri’s purpose is to empower others in creating radiant self-reliance in their wellbeing, career & confidence.
Ozzie Kipnes
Vancouver, BC
Ozzie Kipnes is a long time Vancouverite who fell in love with alternative therapy when she experienced her first acupuncture session at Elements Wellness Centre back in 2007. At that time, she was dealing with ongoing health issues and had such a profound experience (feeling her own energy) that she soon preferred eastern medicine over western medicine whenever possible.
As an entrepreneur and past Director in a networking organization, she knew first-hand how stress and negative energies can bring on an illness that compounds over time. In 2011, determined to learn the fundamentals about Reiki in order to work on herself, and occasionally on her family and pets, she started the path under the guidance of Stacey Simpson. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that she’d be a Usui /Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Teacher and Practitioner teaching Reiki at retreats and working as a practitioner in Vancouver. Ozzie is a member of the Canadian Reiki Association. Early on in her practice, she saw first-hand how physical healing helped her rescue dog Charlie and became motivated to be certified as a Reiki Animal Practitioner and offers her services to cats, dogs, and horses in person or distance. To relax, she loves meditation, yoga, and cooking. Travel and interior design fuel her love for people, places and beautiful things.
Jose Leon
Vancouver BC
Jose Leon is a trained master teacher of the Usui method of Japanese Reiki, a workshop facilitator and was a Registered massage therapist between 2000 – 2018.
He has maintained a successful private practice in Vancouver, BC, since 2000.
Jose is teaching new system of Reiki by the International Center of Reiki Training, called Usui Holy Fire Reiki. It is a more refined, powerful evolved vibration of Reiki energy.
His expertise as a wellness educator, practitioner of energy healing and healthy lifestyle living, led him to create a popular wellness service for various departments and staff at St Paul’s Hospital from 2003-2008.
His healing sessions have been featured and promoted in a widely read article in the Vancity Buzz online magazine. Jose now holds the respected honor of being asked to be a repeated guest healer and Reiki teacher for the Kaska (Watson Lake) First Nation People of the Yukon.
He supports client healing, empowerment and awareness by combining intuitive wisdom, practical solutions, physical and emotional healing in his instruction.
Melissa Mahe
Melissa Maher is a Certified Generational Healer® and Teacher, Licensed Soul Therapist™ and Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Educator.
From a young age, all she knew was that when she grew up she wanted to help people. With grand and sometimes unique ideas of how that would look, she was really taken by surprise in 2014 when she was guided to begin a healing practice to serve those who are experiencing their spiritual awakening.
Melissa emerge as a trusted leader and guide to many women in her community and in different corners of the world.
Vivian Osal
In a relatively short period my emotional blocks and anxieties began to dissolve and were replaced with a deep calm and clarity; a profound connection to God and my higher pure energy self. As a result of the tremendous benefits that emerged, I was extremely excited to start sharing this life-transforming energy with as many people as I could.
I began giving myself Reiki every day and also practiced on family and friends. I loved sharing Reiki with loved ones, but I wanted to have the experience of giving a session to a stranger. I then created my first Reiki website and very slowly clients started to come. Back in the early 2000’s Reiki was not well known and getting the message out was challenging. Determined to seek more practice, I was fortunate to find Wellsprings, a cancer support organization. I had the privilege of volunteering one day a week at the Wellspring Westerkirk House at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. It was during my two years of working with cancer patients I experienced firsthand the tremendous healing power of Reiki energy. I’m forever grateful for what I learned. This exceptional involvement taught me something I don’t believe I could have learned any other way – listen to the body, connect to your heart, our answers are within.
By connecting with the healing energy of Love and Light, the body is given the space to bring forth what it needs for us to be aware of on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level.
After practicing for about a year, I was very motivated to share and teach others everything I was learning. I then went on to complete my Reiki Master/Teacher level. I distinctly remember teaching my first Reiki Level I class, during this call I initiated my twin sister Sandra. During the class, I had a deep knowing come to me; what I was teaching would profoundly transform people’s lives. www.osal.ca
Sharon Campbell
North York, ON
Since childhood, I have had several spiritual experiences, at the time I never really gave much thought to it. When I was 19 years old, I went to see a medium who told me I had the gift and then again at 26, another medium told me the same thing.
At 26 years old, I lived a healthy lifestyle, I worked out 3-5 times a week and ate extremely healthy. However, despite all of that, I was diagnosed with cancer. It’s only now as I look back, that I can see how the dots connect. My cancer journey was the beginning of my awakening, to higher awareness and understanding that shifted my whole perspective on life.
I wrote a blog on my cancer journey, where I mentioned that it was said to me “that it’s nearly like grieving for yourself because you’ll never be the same again”. Looking back now, that statement sums up the paradigm shift that I experienced.
It was a pivotal part of my spiritual journey which led me to discover my gift as a healer. During this time, I came across the word ‘Chakra’. I was so drawn to learning what each chakra represented; I would journal on the topic and began meditating on them through guided meditations throughout my cancer journey.
After I got the all-clear, I realised I had potentially self-healed. No matter what was said to me in terms of my prognosis, I always had a very positive mindset and outlook, believing and knowing I would be okay.
From here I discovered Reiki. I integrate the knowledge I have of the seven main energy chakras during my Reiki sessions, offering a unique balancing session for each individual chakra, with a focus on the area where you specifically need healing; and also ensuring you receive full-body energy healing. reikimaster.ca