Spiritual therapy is an alternate form of freeing the mind of negative energies and replacing them with positive healing energy that restores both mind and body. It is also an analysis of one’s own emotional and spiritual consciousness from a natural standpoint. Also known as holistic therapy, it encompasses every dimension from the physical to the mental.
Shelly Burton - Toronto
Shelly Burton is an internationally acclaimed Energy Medicine Woman.
One of Shelly’s key practices follows the system of “Samhara” – a system of Energy Medicine that helps restore balance and tranquility in the mind and body. It uses rhythmical modalities including hands-on energy healing, sound therapy, energy transmissions and medicine dance, blended with practical guidance. As a society, we tend to grow up living in our heads, and consequentially, our bodies become an after-thought, a material transport for our minds. Samhara was made specifically to circumvent this sort of mind-set and evolve the mind and body in unison through the heart. By elevating the patterns of cellular vibration with compassion, care and clarity, Shelly helps create harmony within. Thoughts and beliefs that serve as negative precursors to denigrate our mental, emotional and physical health are released with love. Each session offers a unique blueprint to health.
Shelly is also a member of the Canadian Examining Board of Healthcare Practitioners and a licensed Holistic Practitioner with the City of Toronto. She is a highly sought after practitioner who has hosted workshops at the prestigious Soho Farmhouse in the UK, and has a cast of worldwide clients from New York to Los Angeles, London to Paris.
Her innovative approach to self-improvement practices has garnered the attention of large media outlets including the BBC World Service, The Toronto Star and the Huffington Post.
Sheri Fogarty - Toronto
Over the years I she have worked with many individual and corporate clients in Toronto and globally. Her 30 years of knowledge allowed her to create a unique and effective Reiki Chakra Therapy. This therapy combines traditional reiki, chakra balancing, wellness coaching and talk therapy.
She offer natural, hands-on healing and meditation therapies. At a young age I embarked on my own spiritual journey to happiness and wellness. Through personal sessions and workshops, Reiki and Chakra Therapy, I have helped my clients to heal pain and find happiness, love, health and balance.
Her practice includes reiki, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, shiatsu, spiritual coaching and chakra balancing. And these treatments are well known to reduce stress, promote happiness and create an immense sense of well-being.
Karen McKinnon - Toronto
Karen McKinnon she is in a private practice as Counsellor. She sees individual adults over 18 years of age for one on one, private and confidential counselling, and coaching.
She bring 14 years of experience as a certified Hatha yoga teacher, teaching classes, including teacher trainings and retreats in Canada. She is trained in Hospice volunteering services specializing in complimentary care with Reiki as a certified Reiki Master.
Her practice is informed by modalities such as existential-integrative, humanistic, psychodynamic, transpersonal, archetypal, and somatic. Approaches and teachings that she utilize include intuitive, energetic, yogic, dream work.
She support the enhancement and cultivation of deeper communication and bridging within facets of self ie: between the conscious and subconscious, between your adult self and child self, between mind and body, body and soul, spirit self and animal self, shadow and light. Each of us have our own unique way in which we communicate and understand ourselves and the world around us.

Geraldine Lo Monaco - Toronto
She was born and raised in Milan (Italy) and graduated in Marketing and Communication at the University of Turin.
She was trained in Pranic Healing, Barbara Brennan Fundamentals, Magnetism, Holistic Life Coaching, and Energy Medicine.
She is a Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master, and Intuitive and a member of the International Association of Medical Intuitives, Canadian Reiki Association, and Association of Spiritual Healers of Alberta.
Her services are provided in English, French, and Italian.
Karen Johnson - Toronto
Recognized innovator and expert in the field of Intuitive Consulting and Energy Healing, Karen uses consciousness as the ultimate instrument for personal healing.
With her professional training and background in Spiritual, Esoteric, Metaphysical, Shamanic Healing and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Resolution Karen has synthesized her 20 years of experience and research into creating her innovative Awakening Heart and Soul approach.
Balancing her private practice in Toronto with mentoring, teaching, research, and writing, she has published articles in Tonic Magazine, Vitality Magazine, In Light Times Magazine, and The Meta Arts Magazine and is in the process of writing a book.
Divi Chandna - Vancouver BC
Dr. Divi Chandna is the founder and head instructor at the Center of Mind Body Spirit Medicine. She is also an intuitively guided practitioner of self-healing and an MD. A health enthusiast to her core, Dr. Divi graduated from medical school at the University of Western Ontario. She then pursued residency in family medicine at McMaster University. After moving to Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada, Dr. Divi thought she had reached all of her dreams – medicine, marriage and a bright future. It was then that her health nose-dived. She had become ill with chronic health conditions that classic medicine could not treat. At the young age of 28, Dr. Divi was baffled. She began looking for answers outside of medicine.
The next 15 years were spent searching and understanding healing from a holistic perspective. Dr. Divi studied a variety of modalities such as mediation and yoga. She also attended the Mind Body Spirit Medicine Program, at the University of Washington, graduating as a Mind Body Spirit Practitioner.
Combining the techniques learned in the Mind Body Spirit Medicine Program, with insights gained on her personal journey wellness, Dr. Divi now understands that the body can heal itself. As a result she has been sharing powerful self-healing techniques with clients throughout the world. In addition, Dr. Divi has authored two books on self-healing and speaks on the topic of self-healing. She is also a frequent media guest and has presented her information as a TEDx speaker. Simply put, Dr. Divi is passionate about helping and teaching others how to self-heal.